2013, Sahalie Publishing

2013, Sahalie Publishing
256 pages, over 100 pictures

Limited edition...

The Brass Bell can be purchased online at Sahalie Publishing and Amazon.com.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Book Launch Success!

Channel 9 Bridge Street visits Cherry Road School
That evening the book launch was a great success!


1 comment:

  1. It has been a pleasure reading "The Brass Bell". The book reviews the wonderful relationship between students and their principal, a person who could drive a hard bargain, but who could still maintain respect.

    The book recounts the evolution of a school from one room to modern brick and mortar with a stop along the way where the students and teacher shared an abandoned chicken coop.

    "The Brass Bell" should be read by anyone interested in the education of children that insists on integrity and respect, concepts that need to be part of our present day places of learning.

    Jack Mitchell
