2013, Sahalie Publishing

2013, Sahalie Publishing
256 pages, over 100 pictures

Limited edition...

The Brass Bell can be purchased online at Sahalie Publishing and Amazon.com.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Did You Know?

Cherry Road School Grew and Grew

Did you know that Cherry Road School has undergone construction at least eight times? The original building that consisted of two classrooms (rooms 104 and 108) and an office was constructed in 1926. Classes did not begin in this building, however, until at least 1927 when room 103 was completed.

Students met in a refurbished farm building, the Parsons' parlor, and the Parsons' barn while construction was underway. There is some conflicting information about dates. However, I have spoken with at least two of the people who began first grade in the refurbished chicken coop and because of their birthdates, and because this is how they remember it, it would have had to be at least 1927.

In 1928, room 105 was completed, and then in 1930, room 110 and the gym were added on to the growing structure made of fire-proof bricks. Eleven years later, in 1941, a second floor went up and included rooms 202, 204, 206, 210, and a girls' lavatory. Five years later rooms 203, 205 and 209 and a boys lavatory were added.

A few years passed, the school grew in numbers, and in 1949, the cafeteria along with six classrooms were built. This addition included rooms 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, and 116.

Another addition, including a playground and six classrooms, was completed just before my class started kindergarten in 1953. These classrooms were on the second floor: 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, and 218. Of note, this was also the year my Great Aunt Marion, Miss Parsons, retired.

Miss Parsons and a fellow teacher are shown on the front step in the picture above.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Seeking Guest Bloggers!

Would you like to be a Guest Blogger on the Cherry Road School book project blog? Do you have a story to tell about the olden days? About the not-so-olden days? Whether you graduated from Cherry Road School in 1935, 1955, or 1995, please feel welcome to share a story of your days at this unique neighborhood school.

For more information, contact the blog host at:

schoolhouse2@comcast.net (put CRS Blog in the subject line)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Remembering Cherry Road School

Cherry Road School Song

Do you remember the Alma Mater song written by John Garofalo and sung to the tune of America the Beautiful?

Surrounded by the hills and dales
Beneath fair skies of blue
In Westavle, stands our school, that's been
To all of us so true.

We came to thee in infancy
For knowledge, love and truth
We learned in school - "the Golden Rule"
To carry on through youth.

And when in life, we reach our goal
We'll ask the Lord to bless
Our Alma Mater - that to ous
Has brought such happiness.

Oh, Cherry Road, we'll honor thee
As swift years hurry by
Our love for thee - eternally
Is one that shall not die.